ACTV is registered by the Uganda Law Council as a Legal Aid Service Provider to provide Legal Aid to indingent persons (with focus on survivors of torture and other forms of violence).
For a rehabilitation process to be considered complete, survivors require not only physical services but also guidance on how to fully have access to justice and fully enjoy their right to freedom from torture, cruel and inhuman degrading treatment as provided for under International Law (United Nations Convention Against Torture – UNCAT) and under Articles 24 and 44 of the 1995 Uganda Constitution and further criminalised under the Prevention and Prohibition of Torture Act (PPTA) 2012.
Access to justice is a way to help restore the dignity of victims of torture and violence; for when
perpetrators are held accountable for their wrongful acts, it reaffirms that torture is a criminal act, its prohibition is absolute and victims are entitled to redress.
“…Redress and Rehabilitation are not a charity but rights under International Law.” said Mikolaj Pietrzak, the Chairperson of the UNVFVT Fund.
The ACTV Legal department strives to see the PPTA 2012 and the Regulations 2019 thereto implemented throughout the justice systems. We ensure that survivors of torture and violence have access to justice through provision of Legal Advice and Counselling; characterised by empowerment with knowledge on Human Rights, Torture and the Law therein), Case Follow ups and Referrals to other partners as may be deemed necessary, as well as Provision of Expert Witnesses in Courts of Law and/or Tribunals. As a Legal Aid Service Provider, ACTV is keen on providing Legal Representation, support with Pre-Trial Remedies to survivors, imploring mechanisms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) (ie Mediation and Negotiation) and Professional documentation of evidence as per the Istanbul Guidelines (Development of Medico-legal Reports).
These services are provided through activities like visiting places of detention, Legal Aid Camps, Community Outreaches / Dialogues, Trainings and High Level engagements with both state and non-state actors and agencies. We take pride in and give importance to our partnerships and collaborations with istitutions like the Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC), the JLOS actors as well other legal aid service providers (Referral Pathways).
As a holistic treatment and rehabilitation centre that ACTV is, we work hand in hand with the other ACTV departments to ensure the well being and complete recovery of survivors of torture and violence.