Torture victims or survivors can present with physical effects which usually range from early to late effects. They usually present with; Contusions, Abrasions, Bleeding, Bruises, Hematoma, Incised wounds, Sprain, Strain, Burns, Dislocation, Fracture, edema, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Abdominal injury, Chest injury, Genital injury, Head injury, Scars, Keloids, Contractures and Amputation among others.
We therefore have a medical team in place to serve you and heal with you and our services are offered both at office/onsite or through our outreach programme which includes medical outreaches, home visits and prison visits.
Our screening and documentation is in line with the Internationally accepted standards in the Istanbul protocol of 1998 and 2021 as revised respectively for all ACTV services such as medical treatment, Physiotherapy, social work, mental health and legal services. Our Medico-Legal reports are independent. Besides, we provide medical expert opinion all as a contribution in fostering access to justice of a victim or survivor.
Our physiotherapy services include physiotherapy treatment, examination and assessment. Physiotherapy treatment like exercise therapy, cryotherapy, heat therapy, soft tissues manipulations and manual manipulations are done besides prescribing and issuing orthopedic appliances such as auxiliary and elbow crutches, lumbar corsets, wheelchairs, knee support among others.
The Healing

Professional Documentation
African Centre for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims upholds the Principles on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in all related torture and violence incidents investigated.
Medical Staff:

Busingye Portia

Apollo Robinson Kinyera